Wireless Alarms
Wireless alarms offers a greater degree of flexibility compared to a Wired system. There is usually little or no redecoration required, also no surface mounted cables. Graded systems should be installed by a recognized installation company and should be serviced annually, to ensure its ongoing efficiency. This is usually a requirement of Insurance companies.
Wireless alarms communicate with the control panel via a secure network. Most alarm systems are now supplied with an App, allowing you to be notified in the event of alarm activation and allowing you to set/unset the system remotely.
The App uses the customers installed WiFi. This does not affect the functionality of the alarm if there is an issue with your WiFi.
Apart from the obvious benefit of no wiring, additional devices can be added to the base system as the need arises. This can include cameras, smoke detectors, perimeter alarms and many more. It can also be uninstalled and taken with you, when you move house